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Welcome! Discover our Terrazza TMC®!

Make it easy on yourself with the Terrazza TMC!

This powerful machine is the solution for effortlessly removing weeds, moss and other debris from hard surfaces. Whether on patios, driveways or other outdoor areas, the Terrazza TMC provides quick and efficient cleaning without the hassle.

Why the Terrazza TMC?

Weeds and moss can make your outdoor space look untended and messy.

But not to worry - the Terrazza TMC makes removing weeds and moss easy, fast and hassle-free.

  • Fast and efficient: Save time with quick cleaning in one motion.
  • Suitable for various, hard surfaces: Perfect for patios, driveways, etc.
  • Patented brush: The brush removes dirt both from the surface and between the grooves along without splashing dirt, damage or anything else.
  • Eco-friendly cleaning: No chemicals or detergents are used, including high pressure.

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How does the Terrazza TMC work?

  1. Place the machine on the surface.
  2. Turn on the machine, let the brush do its job and control the machine easily.
  3. Enjoy a clean outdoor area in a fraction of the time!

Brief training on how to use the machine is also provided each time.

Watch the following video to see how simple it is to get started with the Terrazza TMC! 👉


  • Is the Terrazza TMC suitable for my surface?

    Specifically designed for outdoor use, it can be used effortlessly on various types of surfaces such as garden tiles, clinkers, sidewalks and other outdoor floors. Whether you're dealing with dirt, moss or other contaminants, the Terrazza TMC provides a thorough cleaning of your outdoor areas.

  • How do I maintain the machine?

    Beschrijf het item of beantwoord de vraag zodat geïnteresseerde websitebezoekers meer informatie krijgen. U kunt de nadruk leggen op deze tekst met behulp van opsommingstekens, gecursiveerde of vetgedrukte letters en links.
  • How soon can I expect results?

    Thanks to its clever design, you get results almost immediately, simply by moving the brush over the dirty surfaces. The result does depend on the amount of dirt, but even with stubborn dirt, the brush delivers excellent performance.

Interested? Please contact us

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